found a great minecraft map with amazing wiring systems and a wave survival like feel. download it here:
Minecraft 1.9 pre release 5 is out! :D 

  • Block of iron texture is changed. Pic
  • You now have mushroom biome grass in your creative inventory.
  • Fence Posts no longer connect to leaves.
  • More achievements.
  • Annoying Stair glitch fixed. Confirmed by redditor meesebyte.
  • Option to disable clouds in menu.
  • F6 = It seems to allow you to fly straight but not up or down (works on survival). It acts as a noclip, lets you go through blocks deals you damage... Your Y co-ordinate doesn't change.
  • F9 Adds a fixed camera angle. ( You can move this with I, J, K, and L)
  • Passive squid animation is now vertical. (Credit to B1ueStarfish for finding this)
  • Lily pads are no longer gray in inventory, have a tool tip.
  • In creative mode hostile mobs no longer attack you unless provoked, except for ghasts and spiders. NoteEnemies from spawners are still hostile. (Thanks theriverotter)
  • Melon slice drops are back to normal! (Thanks dg200)
  • Pressing "N" "M" "Y" "U" "O" and "H" changes depth of field and angles of camera. (Thanks Pupetteer)
  • You receive a warning when changing render distance to far.
  • Items retain their enchantments if chest is destroyed.
  • You can now look around without a mouse using: I, J, K, and L.
  • Slimes not restricted to y0-16 anymore.
  • Game Crashing piston glitch fixed. Video demonstrating bug
  • Player bow drawback animation improved.
  • Silk touch does not work on spawners.
  • Instant Heal splash potions damage zombies.
  • Vertical Water physics are different. (Not sure if bug or otherwise)
  • Cool Enderdragon Death Animation. Vid
  • Snow Golums visible!
  • Longer reach for mining as well as attacking.
this map. its INCREDIBLE. i am amazed nowadays by some of the things people make in minecraft. i wish the vanilla generator made stuff like this.
found a game on facebook called Big Business... i have to say, thats a pretty damn fun game...
stupid minecraft code freeze >:( in the meantime: heres some creeper-killing music-disc-hunting action!
i have the biggest urge to build something in minecraft with pistons... too bad i blackscreened and im too lazy to fix it. :P
i just realized that a pre release every week means almost no mods! WHY!? *cries violently*
haha i was playing around with minecraft making mods and stuffs and i broke it atleast 50 times.. :P i used this tutorial:
im surprised dragons fly so smoothly.. it defies the usual blocky feeling of minecraft... not saying its a bad thing though :)
Minecraft 1.9 pre release 4 is out! it features:

Glistering Melons
Moon Phases
Round Sun
New stuff in the Strongholds
Ender Dragon
The End (new dimension)

get it here.
A PRE-RELEASE FOR MINECRAFT EVERY WEEK?? oh notch, quite a daring move... lets see how fast minecraft can evolve into a full fledged rpg game?
starting to learn basic java... already started playing around with the world generator for Minecraft, so much fun!!!
Just yesterday i realized how interesting some of the houses in minecraft 1.9 pre release 3 are. I found a house with a door underground in a cave... how interesting.
1.9 pre release 3 now  available! it features:

  • Enchanting Table
  • Eye of Ender
  • Brewing Stand
  • Cauldron Icon
  • Crystal Block (will investigate)
  • Golden Apples' tool-tip appears pink - the apple itself has a shine effect
  • Baby animals
SkyBlock survival is fun, but if you fall off the edge you are completely fucked, and i did that several times.
hmm.. potions seem interesting... most of them seem useless though :P
Battlefield 3 beta = Amazing. Plus, i beat gears of war 3 last night. Pretty good ending, kinda sad game though :/
i went to a family dinner thing last night, and they asked me to explain what minecraft was. it was probably one of the most awkward things i did all day, because there are so many amazing aspects of it that you just end up mumbling stupid stuff that doesnt make sense because none of them had ever played minecraft.